The Best in People

For someone who always sees/assumes the best in people, Cairo can sometimes prove a bit disappointing. Yet occasionally, people rise beyond your wildest expectations and you get splendidly surprised. In those occasions I feel overwhelmed by the awesomeness of the human spirit, by the Lord's work and his mercy and grace that he channels through us. I am... Continue Reading →

Half Lives

لا تجالس أنصاف العشاق .. ولا تصادق أنصاف الأصدقاء .. لا تقرا لـأنصاف الموهوبين .. ولا تعش نصف حياة .. لا تمت نصف موت .. ولا تختبر نصف حل .. لا تقف في منتصف الحقيقة .. ولا تحلم نصف حلم .. ولا تتعلق بنصف أمل .. إذا صمتّ ، فـاصمت حتى النهاية .. وإذا تكلمت... Continue Reading →


Just an observation that lends itself to a question or a philosophical debate. What in your opinion is the most coveted career in Egypt these days? Isn't it funny that it's completely different than what would have qualified 30 years ago, 20 years ago maybe even just a mere 10 years ago.

My Kyra

Update: Ahem! Sou brought to my attention that this post may prove depressing to current students. So everybody younger than 21 steer clear 🙂 She was different. I couldn't quite place it but something was definitely amiss. She had a vacant glaze where before her eyes had shone with energy reflective of her inner glow.... Continue Reading →

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