Guitar Heroine

Heya mesh fattaka.. and a tad cliche.. but I can see it very clearly in my head.. the girl and the guitar and the hall... but whenever I try to put it into words it goes cliche on me.. She sat there at the centre of the empty stage absorbing her surroundings. The rows and... Continue Reading →

Story of a Photo – CLEOFiction October Issue

Originally written on August 11, 2008 and posted here. Re-posted in celebration of it making it in print 🙂 See my name in lights in the October issue of CLEO. Let me know what you think of the story. Location: Rome Time: Not too long ago. She had gone to Rome to pursue her childhood... Continue Reading →

The Applicant – 4

Normally Aassem’s day at the embassy as cultural attaché involved a great deal of reading, networking and event organizing. Today on the other hand, was completely different. Today he was not merely a US embassy employee; today he was to wear a different hat, one a lot more intimidating. Today, he got to be an applicant. He intended to visit... Continue Reading →

The Applicant – 3

He drove absentmindedly, with an automated mechanical rigour that reflected his muscle memory rather than his consciousness level. Buddha bar music filled his car as he changed lanes following the beaten path to the office. He circled the block in Garden City looking for a suitable parking spot. A familiar face among the crowd, the area parking attendant in the... Continue Reading →


They sat near the end of the plane on the Swiss Air flight leaving ZĂĽrich. He'd been struck with another wave of nausea and was sweating as he fought to maintain composure. She seemed genuinely concerned for his well being, meanwhile he was quite embarrassed by his motion sickness and was exerting great mental effort... Continue Reading →

One Shot

Update: Title changed upon the request of the great and powerful Ope. This scene has been playing through my head for days now. So I'm finally sitting down and typing it up.  Lone figure enters dark alley, she appears to be very frazzled. She keeps looking right and left to make sure nobody has followed.... Continue Reading →


Such odd times are these, when human relationships can be condensed into something as simple as a telephone call. Modern technology allowed for voice dialling or speed dial, yet she felt there was something more personal about dialling in the number, keying it in lovingly, caressing the keys as she entered her access code to... Continue Reading →


Once again she was being told that she was serious and wise beyond her young years. She fought to maintain her composure. Those naive foolish mortals. Thinking they have all the answers. Little do they realize how limited their knowledge, how skewed their perception. There was a logical explanation for her soberness. She'd been here... Continue Reading →


Speech is overrated. Who died and made talk emperor? There are a million different ways to express our opinions and yet people prefer to speak. Not to delve into the limitations of speech, of the different terminology barriers, of language differentials. Bottom line is by speaking you are cutting down on the number of people... Continue Reading →

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