What would happen if, God forbid, we hosted the Olympics?

Inspired by a chat during the Olympics over sushi at Sheboya with Alien Kitten and Earthling. The program: National Anthem Opening words by El Rayess Army manoeuvres Pharonic themed dance with secondary school kids dressed up like Neffertiti and doing aerobics. Mohamed Tharwat and Afaf Rady (or some other previously retired female performer) sing some... Continue Reading →

Late: The Olympic Games

In Greek Mythology Mount Olympus is the home of the Gods. Its tenants immortal beings with extraordinary powers. These games were created as one of man’s infinite attempts to surpass his mortal state, to attempt to attain the perfection associated with the Gods. A series of games intending to crown the fastest, strongest, most agile... Continue Reading →


Different people do different things to unwind, personally when I'm not working, studying or hanging out with friends I enjoy a little tv. Series such as Lost, Prison Break and Desperate Housewives; movies or just reality TV shows. The following based on such incident so if this is too airheaded for you click next. This... Continue Reading →

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