As another light goes out I am reminded of the extent to which Cairo is a modern day Gotham in all its gory glory. It is dark, hopeless, scary, sad and beaming with negativity and injustice. This year, it has only been getting darker. We keep losing those whom are the brightest and most full... Continue Reading →

5th Floor Debates Series – Volume 1

Do you believe that competition is a prerequisite for progress? That humanity will continue to develop and evolve in the absence of a self-serving mind-set or a perpetual desire to outdo? Can a cooperative greater good themed mindset be the next big thing? Would it be sustainable? How would the change come about? We would... Continue Reading →


This is not at all a recommendation to buy, quite the contrary, the book is an alarmingly disappointing read. Intrigued to buy by the fact that events unfold in our beloved Cairo only to discover that Somerville has spun the tale to unsuspecting readers such that Cairo is an "exotic" and dangerous primitive place with desert and... Continue Reading →

To whom it may concern, I'm giving an economic awareness session on Sunday the 26th at Tahrir Lounge (5 El Bostan Street, Goethe building downtown) at 6 pm. The session is entitled "Egyptian government budget, jargon, values and possible implications". Session is targeting the non-economists and will basically be an introduction to the concept of... Continue Reading →

Jan 25 Told In Song

I've FBed it, tweeted it and blasted it in my own car stereo and those of friends. Only thing remaining is blogging it, so here it is, lyrics and all 🙂 غنائية يوم ما الشعب إتغير غناء فاطمة سعيد موسيقى مصطفى الحلوانى كلمات مصطفي أبوجمرة كنا بنشوف الطريق مفيهوش طريق و السما فوقنا رصاصى والامل... Continue Reading →

AYB – Association For Sustainable Development

Following the Jan 25th revolution and the explosion of civil society initiatives and social activism, I have taken a personal interest in improving the information availability and transparency in the market regarding operational NGOs and initiatives. To this end, this blog post is the first of a series of posts shedding light on successful existing... Continue Reading →


For those of you interested in awareness and gender issues, there is a Harassmap team brainstorming session this Saturday. The organising team is honoured to invite you for a meeting at Rebecca Chiao's place next Saturday 26th of March 2011. The meeting agenda will include discussing marketing strategies for Harassmap, new slogans & new approach...etc.... Continue Reading →

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